
Parents & Community


The daily school drop off and pick up can be stressful, but it should always be safe.

School zones are inherently busy areas with large numbers of young children who do not always understand the dangers of roads and vehicles. You can help by observing parking restrictions around schools at all times. Parking restrictions around our school are planned with your children’s safety in mind.

Limited off-road parking has been provided around much of the school perimeter. This has been designed for parent parking and for pick-up and set-down areas. Parents are specifically requested to utilise this facility and to ensure that the staff car parks are reserved for the purpose for which they were designed.

The pick-up and set-down area operates effectively when parents co-operate and do not park.

Parents picking up children after school are requested to take great care and to observe all traffic laws – stressing with their children that they do not dart out between parked cars and that they are not to walk through the staff car-park.

  • Please do not park in staff parking areas. Children move through these car parks not expecting cars to move.
  • Please do not park on the grassed area at The Ramble/Eucalyptus Boulevard roundabout.